
Facebook Ads Troubleshooting: Fixing Common Mistakes eCommerce Businesses make

Facebook AFacebook Ads Troubleshooting: Fixing Common Mistakes eCommerce Businesses makeds Troubleshooting: Fixing Common Mistakes eCommerce Businesses make

Feeling stuck with Facebook Ads? You’re not alone. Perhaps you tried setting them up yourself, or an agency handled it, but they’re not performing as you hoped. In the bustling world of online sales, this can be a roadblock. This is where Facebook Ads troubleshooting comes into play, and this guide is here to help you out.

Facebook Ads can bring many people to your business, find new customers, and make money. When done right, they can be a big boost to your income.
However, getting Facebook Ads right can be tricky. You may be struggling with poor ad performance, low sales, or high click costs. Or, maybe you’re finding it hard to target the right audience or make engaging ads. Understanding these problems is the first step in successful Facebook Ads troubleshooting.

Let’s dive in.

Common Mistakes in Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads might seem complicated, but they have a big impact on businesses. They act as a link, connecting online businesses with people all around the world. These ads make your brand’s message louder and show it to potential customers who might be interested in what you sell.

Fixing every problem on your own can be challenging, especially if you don’t have previous experience with Facebook Ads. To save yourself time, it might be best to employ the services of a good digital marketing agency certified in Facebook.

  1. Mistake 1: Unclear Campaign Goal.Solution: Clearly define your campaign goal before setting up your ad. It should align with your broader business objectives, whether that’s raising brand awareness, boosting engagement, or driving conversions.
  2. Mistake 2: Poor Audience Targeting.Solution: Spend time researching your ideal customer profile. Use Facebook’s detailed targeting options to reach the right people based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.
  3. Mistake 3: Inappropriate Budget and Schedule.Solution: Plan your budget according to your campaign goals and the size of your target audience. Also, schedule your ads to run when your audience is most likely to be online for better visibility.
  4. Mistake 4: Weak Ad Content. Solution: Use high-quality images, engaging text, and a clear call-to-action in your ads. Test different creatives to find what resonates best with your audience.
  5. Mistake 5: Ignoring Analytics. Neglecting the data provided by Facebook Ads Manager could lead to poor performance. Solution: Make sure you regularly review the data provided, including engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use these insights to adjust your strategy as necessary.
  6. Mistake 6: Lack of Testing. Sometimes, businesses stick with one ad variation without exploring others. Solution: Always run A/B tests with different ad elements like headlines, images, or audiences. The test results will guide you in crafting more effective ads.
  7. Mistake 7: No Retargeting Strategy. Not following up with people who have interacted with your ads or visited your site is a missed opportunity. Solution: Create a retargeting strategy to remind these potential customers about your brand, which increases the chance of conversions.
  8. Mistake 8: Disregarding Mobile Users. With the increasing number of mobile users, not optimizing your ads for mobile can be detrimental.Solution: Ensure your ads are optimized for mobile viewing. This includes ensuring quick load times and mobile-friendly designs.
  9. Mistake 9: Not Updating Ads Regularly. Ads can become less effective over time if your audience sees them too often. Solution: Regularly update your ad creatives and copy to keep them fresh and engaging.
  10. Mistake 10: Ignoring Video Ads.Solution: People are increasingly consuming video content. Try including a video ad set in your strategy. They can be more engaging than static images and effectively convey your message.
  11. Mistake 11: No Clear Call to Action (CTA).Solution: Always include a clear CTA that tells your audience exactly what you want them to do. Whether it’s “Shop Now”, “Sign Up”, or “Learn More”, make it direct and enticing.
  12. Mistake 12: Overcomplicating Ads.Solution: Keep your ads simple and to the point. Don’t overwhelm your audience with too much information. Use clear, concise language and engaging visuals.
  13. Mistake 13: Not Using Facebook Pixel.Solution: Implement Facebook Pixel on your website. It allows you to track conversions, create custom audiences for remarketing, and gain more insights about your visitors.
  14. Mistake 14: Setting and Forgetting Your Ads.Solution: Regularly monitor and adjust your ads based on performance. Continuously optimize your campaigns to maximize return on ad spend.
  15. Mistake 15: Not Adapting to Changes.Solution: Facebook often updates its ad platform. Stay informed about them and change your strategy accordingly to stay ahead.
  16. Mistake 16: Forgetting about the Landing Pages.Solution: Make sure your landing pages are working well and match the ads.

Fixing Payment Issues with Facebook Ads

Payment issues with Facebook Ads can be frustrating and can even interrupt your campaigns. By understanding common problems and their solutions, you can prevent or quickly resolve these issues.

Common Payment Issues with Facebook Ads

  1. Declined Payments: If your payment method is declined, this could be due to issues with your bank or credit card company.
  2. Billing Threshold Reached: Facebook has a billing threshold, and once it’s reached, your ads might stop running until the next payment is made.
  3. Expired Payment Method: If your credit card or payment method has expired, Facebook won’t be able to process the payment.

How to Fix Manual Payment Issues with Facebook Ads

Resolving payment issues with Facebook Ads often involves a few simple steps:

  1. Update Payment Method: If your payment is declined or has expired, update it in your account settings.
  2. Contact Your Bank: If the payment is still not going through, contact your bank or credit card company to verify there are no issues from their end.
  3. Monitor Your Billing Limit: Keep track of your spending to ensure it does not exceed your billing threshold. If it does, you may need to make a payment before your ads can continue running.

In case of persistent payment issues, consider reaching out to Facebook Support for further assistance. With these troubleshooting steps, you can help ensure your Facebook Ads campaigns run smoothly and uninterrupted.

Getting Help with Facebook Ads

Experiencing difficulties with Facebook Ads? No worries. Facebook’s Help Center, especially the live chat tool, can provide immediate and personalized assistance.

How to Use Facebook Ads Help Live Chat

  1. Navigate to the Facebook Ads Help Centre.
  2. Look for the ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Get Started’ button, usually located at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the button, and a chat window will open.
  4. A virtual assistant will initially assist you. You can describe your issue and if needed, the assistant can connect you to a live agent.

Conducting an Audit

If really want to make sure you don’t miss anything, you’ll need an audit. A Facebook Ads audit is like a health check-up for your ad campaigns. It helps you understand if your ads are doing their job well or if they need some improvement.

There are several ways to get a Facebook Ads audit:

  1. Do It Yourself: If you’re familiar with Facebook Ads Manager, you can conduct the audit yourself. Facebook provides a variety of tools and reports that can assist you in this process.
  2. Hire a Professional: You can hire a Facebook Ads specialist or a digital marketing agency. They have expertise in conducting thorough audits and can provide actionable insights to improve your ad campaigns.
  3. Use a Tool: There are several online tools available that can automate the audit process. Tools like AdEspresso, Hootsuite, and Semrush can help analyze your campaigns and provide suggestions for improvement.
  4. Facebook Blueprint: Facebook’s own training and certification program, Facebook Blueprint, offers resources that can guide you through conducting an ad audit.


In short, typical Facebook Ad mistakes involve targeting, budget control, ad design, and text. If ads aren’t doing well, check key figures like engagement, click cost, and conversion rates. You can use Facebook’s Ads Help Centre and Ads Manager to solve issues. Despite no phone support, live chat can help quickly.

Remember, success with Facebook Ads is about constant learning and adjustment. The platform changes and so should you. Keep experimenting and improving. This will maximize your ads’ benefits and boost your online business.


  1. How long does it take for Facebook Ads to work? It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for Facebook Ads to start generating results, depending on factors like your audience size, budget, and ad quality.
  2. How long does it take for Facebook Ads to be approved? Most Facebook Ads are reviewed within 24 hours, but sometimes it can take longer.
  3. Can you schedule Facebook Ads? Yes, you can schedule your ads during the campaign setup process in Facebook Ads Manager.
  4. Are Facebook automated ads worth it? Facebook automated ads can be a time-saving tool that offers personalized ad suggestions based on your business goals. However, they may not offer the same level of control as manually created campaigns.
  5. What is the Facebook advertising policy? Facebook’s advertising policy includes guidelines to ensure that ads are safe, appropriate, and respectful. It covers aspects like community standards, intellectual property, and user privacy.
  6. What are some examples of Facebook ad rules? Examples of Facebook ad rules include no misleading content, no promotion of illegal or discriminatory practices, and adherence to community standards.
  7. How can I get help with Facebook Ads? You can get help with Facebook Ads through the Facebook Ads Help Centre, which offers guides, tutorials, and a live chat feature.
  8. I’ve been temporarily blocked from using Facebook Ads. What should I do? If you’ve been temporarily blocked from using Facebook Ads, it’s likely due to a violation of Facebook’s advertising policies. Here’s what you can do:
    1. Review Facebook’s Advertising Policies: Make sure you understand the guidelines and that your ads comply.
    2. Appeal the Decision: Visit the Facebook Ads Help Centre and use the appeal form. Provide all the necessary details about your ad and why you believe it doesn’t violate the policies.
    3. Wait for Facebook’s Response: It can take a few days to review your appeal. If your appeal is successful, the block will be removed.
    4. Correct Your Ads: If your appeal is unsuccessful, review your ads for any potential violations, make necessary changes, and resubmit them.
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Romina Rajpoot

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