
About Management and Organizational Management Skills.

Organizational Management

Describe management.

The definition of management is a person or group of people who oversee and challenge another person or group of people to achieve predetermined goals and objectives. The definition of management also includes the ability to plan, organize, supervise, and mentor others.

Management is the administration of a company, a nonprofit, or a governmental body. The management of a company’s resources is an art and a science.

What does the word “organization” mean?

A group of people who cooperate is known as an organization. Examples of such groups include unions, corporations, charities, and neighborhood associations. The term “organization” can be used to describe a person, a company, a formation, or an establishment.

An organization is a group of individuals working together to achieve predetermined goals.

Organizational Management

Definition: Organizational management is a type of management activity that aims to achieve a company’s objective by managing all processes and resources effectively. Planning, organizing, and carrying out actions that help the company achieve its pre-established goals are the discipline’s main goals.


  • Production Management
  • Service Management
  • Hybrid management

1. Production Management

Production management is the process of controlling a company’s operations so that desired outputs of goods and services are produced. Converting raw materials into finished goods and services entails planning, carrying out, and managing operations.

2.  Service Management

Service management is a useful term to describe the collection of organizational tasks and activities developed to provide users and customers with high-value services. You must take a genuinely strategic and successful approach if you want to ensure the worth and quality of your business’s services.

3. Hybrid management

Hybrid management is a type of management that combines various management methodologies into a single methodology.

Three types of managerial skills

Before they transition to management, business owners are entrepreneurs. They will experience frustration as managers because they will have to deal with new issues, such as managerial issues. Additionally, management is not an easy job. It requires expertise and knowledge.

Because of this, there is hierarchy, organizational structure, and opportunity for each organizational member to advance from the bottom of the managerial pyramid to the middle and top levels with sufficient knowledge, experience, and skills.

What are managerial skills?

Simply, managerial skills are the knowledge and ability of the individuals in a managerial position to fulfill some specific management activities or tasks. This knowledge and ability can be learned and practiced. However, they also can be acquired through the practical implementation of required activities and tasks. Therefore, you can develop each skill through learning and practical experience as a manager.

When we talk about managerial skills, we talk about the skills of a manager to maintain high efficiency in the way how his or her employees complete their everyday working tasks. Because of that, managers will need skills that will help them to manage people and technology to ensure an effective and efficient realization of their working duties.

Types of managerial skills

Robert Katz identifies three types of skills that are essential for a successful management process:

  • Technical skills
  • Conceptual skills
  • Human or interpersonal management skills

Technical skills

As the name of these skills tells us, they give the management the ability to use different techniques to achieve what they want. Technical skills aren’t just related to machinery, production tools, or other pieces of equipment; they’re also skills that will be needed to boost sales, design various products and services, advertise goods and services, etc.

Technical skills are most important for first-line/lower-level managers. When it comes to top managers, these skills are not something with a high significance level. As we go through a hierarchy from the bottom to higher levels, technical skills lose their importance.

Conceptual skills

Conceptual skills present the knowledge or ability of a manager for more abstract thinking. As a result, he can diagnose various states quickly and get a broad perspective. In this way, they can forecast the direction of the company or department as a whole.

Conceptual skills are vital for top managers, most important for first-level managers, It is required for first-level managers. These skills will become increasingly significant as we move up the managerial hierarchy.

Human or interpersonal managerial skills

Human or interpersonal management skills present a manager’s knowledge and ability to work with people. One of the most critical management tasks is to work with people. Without people, there will not be a need for the existence of management and managers. With the help of these abilities, managers can inspire their teams to more tremendous success. They also aid in the better utilization of the company’s human resources. They are essential skills for all Middle levels in the company.

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Romina Rajpoot

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