
RPA Impact on the BFSI Industry Revolution


The BFSI industry has been advancing steadily in numerous technological developments. Customer needs are continually changing as the digital environment changes. It raises the possibility that moving toward automation is necessary to maintain a competitive advantage and reduce costs.

The banking, financial, and insurance industries face numerous difficulties, including data breaches, a lack of resources, rising costs, and antiquated technology. Customers become cynical as a result, diminishing their experience. Given the sensitivity of the information it deals with, isn’t the finance industry not supposed to be the most advanced?

Testing banking applications for efficiency in information processing, high accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness is urgently needed. Financial institutions must also manage high-volume workflows, track crucial accounts, and perform regular security checks. In general, they have a lot to do, and robotic process automation can be a great enabler.

This article will examine RPA’s contribution to the BFSI sector’s revolution in detail. We will define RPA specifically before that, though. Let’s look at it.

Robotic process automation concept with technology blurred abstract light background


Robotic process automation is known as RPA. It is a method intended to replace, supplement, or lessen human labor for routine financial tasks. Finance operations, banking, and insurance are some of the main industries it supports.

Employee focus on time- and energy-consuming, high-value tasks that automation cannot complete on its own gives organizations a competitive edge. RPA is improved even more by implementing ML, NLP, and AI-based intelligent automation. When you bring intelligence into the picture, you are RPA software becomes better at recognizing emotions, understanding layman’s language, handling complicated processes, and adapting to data in real time.

How Can RPA Transform The BFSI Sector?

By 2025, the RTA market could reach $22 billion, according to estimates from Forrester. A revolution could be sparked by anything that eliminates or automates repetitive, menial tasks that require human labor. Robotic process automation is capable of doing just that for the banking, finance, and insurance sectors. Let’s examine in greater detail how RPA completely alters and revolutionizes the BFSI sector.

1.  Client Onboarding and KYC

Businesses in the BFSI sector can use RPA bots to simplify the complicated manual onboarding process. One scenario involves bots validating the necessary data across the various systems and automatic data entry into the customer portal. Customers benefit from a quicker account opening process, which enhances their overall shopping experience.

2.  Streamline Mortgage Lending

Mortgage lending is a process-based task that could benefit from RPA implementation. Automation is simple to integrate with current technology or loan origination systems. Therefore, automating time-consuming tasks like reviewing loan packages, making financial comparisons, processing documents, and loan origination save resources and time.

3.  High operational efficiency and scalability

Everyone knows the highly scalable nature of robots and that they easily facilitate the management of high-volume assignments even during peak hours.

RPA implementation frees highly qualified staff from routine tasks, allowing banks to focus more on creative growth strategies. Once you correctly set up financial institutions, it enhances the bank’s efficiency and productivity of its processes.

4.  A higher cost-effectiveness

To increase ROI across all industries, cost-effectiveness is essential. There are no exceptions in the banking, finance, and insurance industries. In terms of processing expenses and time, banks can save between 25 and 50 percent. User interface automation features of RPA are another fantastic advantage. As a result, there is no need to drastically alter the infrastructure, which lowers the cost of hardware and maintenance.

5.  Managing Errors

You can stop stressing about the human error when RTA is firmly by your side. Not only is manually entering data inefficiently, but even seemingly minor mistakes can have a big impact on how satisfied customers are. RPA systems can automatically fill in information and data that is already readily available.

6.  Business Growth at a Legacy Rate

It is essential to bridge a sizable gap between procedures using current and dated data. RPA uses the data contained in a single system to quickly produce high-quality reports that encourage business growth.

7.  The Unquestionable Influence of Automation

Here are some examples of processes that the BFSI sector could quickly automate with RPA.

  • Automated Reporting
  • Know Your Customer (KYC)
  • Anti-Money laundering (AML)
  • Account opening
  • Customer onboarding
  • Mortgage lending
  • Loan processing

In addition, it can prevent an organization from incurring costly penalties for failing to comply with strict industrial and regulatory standards. Robotic process automation also lowers operational costs, reduces risk, engages customers in real time, and makes it easier for various financial operations to run smoothly.

8.  Simple Integration into Current Infrastructure

Financial institutions can avoid making significant system and framework changes by implementing RPA solutions. RPA can be easily incorporated into the current infrastructure. The best part is that it won’t cost a fortune or require big adjustments! RPA implementation on an existing infrastructure aids in automating time-consuming root processes, rule-based work, and configuration backup.

Final Thoughts

Virtual banking institutions and syntax are fiercely competing with the BFSI industry, which is already oversaturated, so it is time for a much-needed transformation. Shortlisting their business processes will help BFSI organizations begin to prioritize tasks based on what needs immediate attention and what doesn’t.

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Romina Rajpoot

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